Rocío Isabel Rodríguez Macías
PhD in Pharmacy from the University of Salamanca and Professor of Physiology at the University of Salamanca
PhD in Pharmacy from the University of Salamanca and Professor of Physiology at the University of Salamanca. After obtaining her PhD in Pharmacy from the University of Salamanca, she continued her training in liver pathophysiology as a postdoctoral fellow at the University Hospital of Zurich (Switzerland) and at the Immunology Service of the Carlos III Health Institute of Majadahonda. She is a senior member of the well-known research group "Experimental Hepatology and Drug Vectorization (HEVEFARM)" led by Dr. José Juan García Marín and, after her incorporation, made shorter stays at the University of Paris (France) and the University Hospital of Düsseldorf. (Germany). In 2008 she obtained a job as Associate Professor at the University and teaches in the disciplines of Physiology and Cell Culture in the Biotechnology Degree, as well as in the University Master of Pharmacy. For the past decade she has been interested in researching biomarkers in liver cancer, in pursuing pharmacological strategies to overcome chemotherapy resistance, and in drug vectorization for tumors of the enterohepatic circuit.
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